301 College Prep English
Open English
Skill Level: Beginner

In this course, you will start to become an independent user of the language through developing your ability to keep interaction and express what you want to, in a range of contexts. This level of independence can be maintained through developing the receptive skills (listening and reading) and the productive skills (writing and speaking) in an interactive online mode of instruction using different activities, discussions, videos, and lectures. In each module, your knowledge will be assessed through quizzes, discussions, self-assessment, etc. By the end of this level, you will be better able to interact in English in different contexts and situations. Each module will help learners to improve their four English language skills: speaking, listening, reading, and writing.

This course discusses the topics of (modern education, traveling experiences, house chores, crime and punishment, cooking, and character. 

201 Integrated English
Open English
Skill Level: Beginner

Elementary English is for people with basic knowledge of English who want to improve their understanding of the language for social and academic purposes. The course is designed to enhance your English language skills of listening, reading, writing, and speaking. In this course, you will learn using different materials that include videos, audio recordings, reading texts, and activities. You will cover topics like introducing yourself and others, a day of errands, party invitation, and others. Finally, when you finish the course, you will find that you can better handle short social exchanges with English speakers, as well as understand English texts and materials.  

Topics: eating out, technology and electronic devices, health and fitness, trips and holidays, clothes and accessories, and taking transportation. 

103 Foundations of English
Open English
Skill Level: Beginner

If you’re wondering how you’ll manage conversations and studying in English, then this is the right course for you. In this course, you will be able to read different types of simplified texts, comprehend different formal and informal dialogues and conversations, write short effective descriptions and messages, and express yourself using short simple sentences. You’ll be exposed to different texts, videos and audio clips on topics relevant to everyday life conversations and discussions through which you will improve your English proficiency level. The course is divided into different modules that will help learners improve their four language skills: reading, listening, speaking and writing. Each module will include a number of activities that will help you practice new points. At the end of each module, you’ll be assessed through different means (e.g., short quizzes, discussion board questions and short essay questions). Your participation in the activities and the discussion board conversations will maximize your benefit as this is primarily a communicative course.  

Topic: my last school year, my big family, in my kitchen, my university campus, my last summer vacation, and my future plan. 

102 Foundations of English
Open English
Skill Level: Beginner

In this course, you will become familiar with basic language that will help you recognize and understand simple topics of immediate need. Each module will help you improve your four English language skills: speaking, listening, reading, and writing. The course will include topics related to family, friends, places, objects, and routines. You will learn to interact in a simple way and to use words and phrases to talk about familiar topics and describe simple actions. You will have the ability to talk about personal information and to express what you like or dislike.  This will be achieved through an interactive online mode with a variety of activities including audios, videos, and quizzes.

في هذه الدورة، ستصبح على دراية بأساسيات اللغة التي ستساعدك على التعرف على موضوعات بسيطة تبرز الحاجة المباشرة لإداركها وفهمها. ستساعدك كل وحدة على تحسين مهارات اللغة الإنجليزية الأربع: التحدث والاستماع والقراءة والكتابة. يشمل هذا، على سبيل المثال لا الحصر، العائلة والأصدقاء والأماكن والأشياء و الأنشطة الروتينية ... إلخ. ستتعلم التفاعل بطريقة بسيطة واستخدام كلمات وعبارات للتحدث عن موضوعات مألوفة ووصف أنشطة بسيطة. ستتمكن من التحدث عن معلومات شخصية ومن التعبير عما تحب أو تكره. سيتحقق هذا من خلال نسق تفاعلي على الإنترنت، يضم أنشطة متنوعة: تسجيلات صوتية وڤـيديوهات واختبارات.

Topics: nice to meet you, daily routines and schedules, the restaurant!, my lovely town!, what a nice trip! (vacations and traveling!), abilities and talents. 

101 Foundations of English
Open English
Skill Level: Beginner

The getting started area should be accessed before starting Module 1 of the course. In this section you will find specific essential information necessary to begin the course as well as instructions on how to participate in various activities and learning opportunities. Make sure you go through all the material in this section so you can prepare well and maximize your success in this learning journey. 

Course Learning Outcomes 

By the end of this course, you will be able to:


recognize words, names and numbers that they already know in simple, short recordings, provided these are delivered very slowly and clearly;

recognize short, very simple statements, provided they are delivered slowly and clearly;

recognize everyday, familiar words, provided they are delivered clearly and slowly in a clearly defined, familiar everyday context; 

recognize numbers, prices, and days of the week, provided they are delivered slowly and clearly in a defined, familiar everyday context;

give basic personal information (e.g. name, age, nationality), perhaps with the use of a dictionary; and

can produce short phrases about yourself, giving basic personal information (e.g. name, age, family, nationality).


Professional Certified Trainer (PCT) test
Open English
Skill Level: Beginner

The course provides practical guidance, knowledge, and skills on how to design and deliver effective training programs. Participants will learn about the principles of learning, how to write and develop training session plans, materials, and assess learners’ performance and develop and use training techniques to meet the needs of participants. Obtaining the PCT may qualify you to work as a part-time instructor at the Career Development Departmentl of Continuing Education in addition to other requirements, qualifications and experience.

202 Integrated English
Open English
Skill Level: Intermediate

In this course, you will deepen your knowledge of English expressions and skills required for everyday communication. You will be able to express yourself on a variety of topics. This course is divided into 6 thematic modules dealing with everyday settings and situations. In each module,  you will be exposed to videos and texts that cover essential expressions, structures, and content that will make you more capable of engaging in daily conversations. You will be assessed through varied tools (e.g. quizzes, activities, texts, discussion boards.etc.) at the end of each module to ensure your acquisition of the required linguistic skills. By the end of the course, you will be able to deal with everyday situations in English more easily and more accurately. Moreover, you will showcase more confidence in using English for communication in different social settings.

Topics: it's been a long time!, out and about: going to the movies!, shopping smart: what a bargain!, city life,  eating well, and about personality.